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A brief survey about image caption (2010-2018)
第一次写image caption简要综述类文章,对image caption任务进行了一个简单调研。如发现某些地方有问题希望大家批评指正,共同进步。
A MOOC Courses Recommendation System Based on Learning Behaviours
Published in ACM TURC, Second Author, 2020
Knowledge-Interactive Network with Sentiment Polarity Intensity-Aware Multi-Task Learning for Emotion Recognition in Conversations
Published in Findings of EMNLP, Co-First Author, 2021
A Mental State Knowledge-Aware and Contrastive Network for Early Stress and Depression Detection on Social Media
Published in Information Processing & Management, First Author, 2022
Research Intern
Internship, Harbin Institute of Technology, Faculty of Computing, 2020
I’m excited to work as a research intern in Intelligence Technology & Natural Language Processing Lab since Dec, 2020. I’ll be working on emotion recognition in conversation (ERC), under the supervision of Prof. Bingquan Liu. I’m working on combining external knowledge to ERC systems.
Master of Philosophy
Admission, National Centre for Text Mining, University of Manchester, 2021
I’m so excited that I will be joining national centre for text mining (NaCTeM), University of Manchester in late 2021, for a Master of Philosophy degree. I will be under the supervision of Prof. Sofia Ananiadou, who is very pofessional but easy-going. I will be focusing on emotion related NLP tasks.
EMNLP Paper accepted
Paper accepted, Harbin Institute of Technology, Faculty of Computing, 2021
I’m excited that our paper: Knowledge-Interactive Network with Sentiment Polarity Intensity-Aware Multi-Task Learning for Emotion Recognition in Conversations, has been accpted as findings paper of EMNLP 2021. I worked as co-first author of this paper. It mainly focused on using different dimensions of external knowledge to aid ERC task.